Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Unknown First Ascent Details for Kilmar Tor New Route

The Kilmar Tor section on Javu's new routes page has a description of a line with a suggested name of 'Septic Reality'. But there are no first ascent details and the quote containing the description is unattributed.

Dave Henderson can't remember who sent him this; I've asked a few other people but no one seems to know who might have climbed it.

If anyone has any further info on this route – first ascent date/names of the first ascent party – please leave a comment or get in touch.

The full entry on Javu reads...
"We climbed a line on Kilmar Tor that is not recorded in any of the guides we have seen, it follows a roof crack out of a cave 100m along the ridge towards the car from Special Llama, climb up the back of the cave, follow the roof crack out to daylight along a mossy ledge until mossy jams on the lip allow you to stand on the arete, then climb the top slopey section, graded about HS 5a but will get easier as the jams get less mossy, we reckon if nobody else has claimed it Septic Reality would be a good name. the arete below the finish goes as well at about s 4b with the same scary topout."


  1. Thats a Mark Kemball route im pretty sure.

  2. Mr Kemball was suspect number two on my list but he’s denied all knowledge of it!

    The search continues...

    By the way Fiila, I think I’ve received emails from either you or your friends about some routes at Cheesewring from the weekend. I’m very much grateful for these and I’ll send replies to the emails later.
